January 28, 2018

Hi my name is Tesla.  I live in Northern California with my two moms.  We love to travel the northwest and visit breweries.  We decided to create this blog to help families like mine learn about dog-friendly breweries.  My moms love to drink beer, they also love to travel with me.  It is sad when I have stay in the car and not be with my family as they enjoy a cold brew.  (Moms really like IPAs)  I am sure there are many others who feel like I do.  So me and my family have set out on a mission to find and explore dog friendly breweries.  So I never have to be left behind again!

In my blog I hope to introduce you to a variety of dog friendly breweries and tap houses throughout California, Oregon and Washington, to start.  We will also look at where you and your family can stay and where we can play while visiting these fun places.   As I build my blog, please help by commenting below.  I would love to hear of any great places that your family has taken you to.